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Andrej Kiska Meets Prince Charles

Andrej Kiska Meets Prince Charles

President Andrej Kiska met Charles, Prince of Wales, at Windsor Castle on Monday. The meeting lasted around 45 minutes. The main topic of conversation was charity work, a subject close to both their hearts, and support of startups. The Prince of Wales said that he has invested into around 90,000 startups through his foundation – they return the money once they have earned it.

The British prince also asked the Slovak president about relations within the European Union, as well as Slovakia’s energy dependence on the Russian Federation and how to deal with it.

Andrej Kiska gave the Prince of Wales a framed photograph by Filip Kulisev of Spis Castle and the Tatra Mountains, and invited him to visit the Slovak Republic. In November it will have been 15 years since Prince Charles was last in Slovakia. That time, he visited the Badinsky Forest and Banska Bystrica.

Before meeting His Royal Highness, Kiska laid wreaths at the Brookwood Military Cemetery at the memorial to Slovak and Czech soldiers who died in the fight against fascism. Brookwood is the largest cemetery in the United Kingdom. Amongst the graves are also those of dozens of Czech and Slovak soldiers who served in Britain’s Royal Air Force.

World War II veterans, family members of the fallen soldiers, and representatives of embassies and the armed forces of Slovakia, the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom took part in the laying of wreaths. Shortly after the service, Kiska met a legend of the famous No. 311 Squadron RAF, the retired General Ivan Otto Schwarz.

On the Monday evening, a gala also awaited President Kiska in London at the Embassy of the Slovak Republic, with British political, cultural and business figures in attendance, as well as expatriates, Slovak young professionals and students currently in the UK. There was a presentation by Slovakia’s Aeromobil at the event. One of its prototypes will be exhibited in front of the embassy in London.

Andrej Kiska is on a two-day working visit to Britain. On Tuesday, his programme includes a meeting with the Mayor of London, Alderman Alan Yarrow, and he will take part in a panel discussion within the Startup Grind event. The discussion will focus on presenting Slovakia as a country with potential for innovative companies, the development of business ecosystems and creating new companies. The president was accompanied in the UK by representatives of the Slovak business community.