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Valid until 1 year
Type Necessary
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Valid until 2 hours
Type Necessary

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Provider _gat
Name Google
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Valid until 1 minutes
Type Statistical
Provider _ga
Name Google
Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.
Valid until 2 year
Type Statistical
Provider _gid
Name Google
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Valid until 1 day
Type Statistical
Provider _hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress
Name Hotjar
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Valid until 1 day
Type Statistical
Provider _hjFirstSeen
Name Hotjar
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Valid until 1 day
Type Statistical
Provider _hjSessionUser_#
Name Hotjar
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Valid until 1 year
Type Statistical
Provider _hjSession_#
Name Hotjar
This cookie holds the current session data. This ensues that subsequent requests within the session window will be attributed to the same Hotjar session.
Valid until 1 day
Type Statistical
Provider _hjIncludedInPageviewSample
Name Hotjar
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Valid until 7 minutes
Type Statistical
Provider _hjIncludedInSessionSample
Name Hotjar
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Valid until 7 minutes
Type Statistical

Domestic violence cannot be ignored or taken lightly according to the president

Domestic violence cannot be ignored or taken lightly according to the president

On Wednesday 13 October 2021, President Čaputová visited the Nádej Counselling Centre in Bratislava, which helps victims of domestic violence.

The president met with experts working in the centre, as well as their clients. The path to freedom and safety, although a much better choice for life than a life in violence, is not a simple one, according to the president.

“I would like to encourage all women: if you experience violence in your partnership, look for help and get advice regarding possibilities in such centres as Nádej, which are all over Slovakia.  As their clients can testify, these centres are hugely instrumental and frequently the only source of support for them and their children.”  

The president appreciates the fact that systematic help in the form of intervention centres for victims of violence throughout Slovakia will soon be opened.  She was present at the birth of this project, which she believes has a chance to help victims of violence after the release of their aggressors from police custody. However, she is convinced that we must do more.

“The existence and dynamics of partnership violence and violence against children cannot be ignored or taken lightly – not in criminal proceedings, in the work of social guardianship or in the decisions of judges. Determining what is best for the child should also be taken into consideration – what is safety and protection from violence. Violence against the mother is violence against the child."