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Kiska met the Presidents of Croatia, Georgia and Macedonia

Kiska met the Presidents of Croatia, Georgia and Macedonia

Apart from the French President and the British Prime Minister, the President of the SR, Andrej Kiska also received the President of Croatia, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, the President of Georgia, Giorgi Margvelashvili and the President of Macedonia, Gjorge Ivanov on Friday.

In the case of the Croatian President, Grabar-Kitarović, it was the first mutual negotiation since she took office in February this year. Both presidents expressed their delight at the friendly relations between the two countries and confirmed their interest in strengthening economic cooperation. Croatia is interested in closer cooperation with the V4 countries.

The European agenda was dominated by discussions about the situation in the Western Balkans and fulfilling European ambitions in the individual countries. President Kiska noted that Croatia played a very important role in the region and was an example for the other countries. “We must continue to pay the necessary attention to developments in the Balkans.”

Andrej Kiska invited the Croatian President to an official visit of the Slovak Republic, which would offer scope for more in-depth discussions about topics of mutual interest.

At his meeting with Andrej Kiska, the Georgian President, Giorgi Margvelashvili, praised Slovakia’s aid and support thus far. He committed himself to the development of mutual business relations. The Slovak-Georgian business forum, which took place during Margvelashvili’s working visit to Slovakia, should also contribute to this.

President Kiska expressed Slovakia’s position as remaining unchanged and confirmed support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia within its internationally recognized borders: “Slovakia will never accept borders in Europe changing by force or against the will of the countries concerned.”

At the same time he appreciated the progress that Georgia had achieved and encouraged the country to take further steps, especially in relation to fulfilling its conditions towards the European Union for visa-free travel and the improvement of economic cooperation. He also confirmed support for Georgia in its aspirations for gaining NATO membership.

The presidents agreed on the necessity for an end to the armed conflict in Ukraine, to have all parties fulfill the provisions of the Minsk Agreements and continue in the process of reform in the country. “A stable and prosperous Ukraine is in the interests of Slovakia and Georgia.”

Presidents Kiska and Ivanov agreed that relations between Slovakia and Macedonia were very good and that they had no unsolved problems. At the same time they pointed out to reserves in the economies which both countries should try to fulfill.

Kiska expressed support for Macedonia’s entry to the European Union and NATO. He touched on Slovakia’s experience and remarked that fulfilling criteria was not only a technical means to fulfill this objective but a tool to modernize the country in all areas. “Internal stability and unified political support for fulfilling criteria are an essential prerequisite for success.”

The Slovak President also expressed the hope that Macedonia, together with Greece, would finally find a solution for the long-term bilateral dispute about the official name of the country which posed an obstacle for Macedonia’s successful advancement and thereby the further development of the entire region.

On the photo above with Georgian President Margvelashvili, below with Macedonian President Ivanov.