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In Ukraine Kiska enquired about reforms and how Slovakia could help

In Ukraine Kiska enquired about reforms and how Slovakia could help

The question how Slovakia could further help Ukraine was one of the main topics of President Andrej Kiska’s official visit to Ukraine.

Kiska met Ukrainian President Peter Poroshenko in Kiev and the programme included negotiations with Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Volodymyr Groysman. He laid a wreath at the Tomb of an Unknown Soldier in the Eternal Glory Park and lit a candle at the National Memorial in Commemoration of Famine Victims.

“I am pleased to be able to visit Ukraine again. When I was here last, people were out in the streets calling for democracy, fighting for their freedom in the east of the country. Today, again, Ukraine is fighting for freedom and independence. I have confirmed that Slovakia will never recognize the illegal annexation of Crimea, will never accept any political, military or economic interference in Ukrainian sovereignty,” said Kiska after his meeting with the Ukrainian President.

“Likewise, I expressed the conviction that this conflict has no military solution. The only path is a sincere willingness to respect agreements and find a peaceful solution. Even though I am aware of a partial improvement of the situation, I must regrettably say that, also on the basis of negotiations with President Poroshenko, peace has definitely not won.”

The President does not yet see scope to repeal or ease sanctions against Russia. According to him, their future depends on fulfilment of the Minsk agreements.

During the negotiations, Kiska enquired about launching reforms, the fight against corruption and Ukraine’s European ambitions. “Today I was welcomed by a different Ukraine than when I was here last. I see effort, commitment and a great deal of political courage to fight against corruption, launch reforms. Of course, there are shortcomings, areas where more must be done. However, it is important that the leaders of this country are serious about reforms.”

The President offered Ukraine Slovak expertise and experience with painful reforms. He symbolically delivered help to the inhabitants of conflict-affected areas and the Children’s Department at the Institute of Oncology.