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Valid until 1 year
Type Necessary
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Valid until 2 hours
Type Necessary

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Provider _gat
Name Google
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Valid until 1 minutes
Type Statistical
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Name Google
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Valid until 2 year
Type Statistical
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Name Google
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Valid until 1 day
Type Statistical
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Name Hotjar
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Valid until 1 day
Type Statistical
Provider _hjFirstSeen
Name Hotjar
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Valid until 1 day
Type Statistical
Provider _hjSessionUser_#
Name Hotjar
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Valid until 1 year
Type Statistical
Provider _hjSession_#
Name Hotjar
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Valid until 1 day
Type Statistical
Provider _hjIncludedInPageviewSample
Name Hotjar
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Valid until 7 minutes
Type Statistical
Provider _hjIncludedInSessionSample
Name Hotjar
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Valid until 7 minutes
Type Statistical

Think with the Head of State: A series on social media and critical thinking

Think with the Head of State: A series on social media and critical thinking

A series of educational videos titled Think with the Head of State is the presidential office’s new project and features President Čaputová’s reactions to the profound effect of social media on our lives.

According to the president, we can see how the escalating tension and anger from the internet spills into real life on a daily basis.

"We listen to stories from hospitals on the very palpable physical consequences of  bad choices of information sources. One of the biggest challenges of this era is to learn how to orient oneself in today’s online world, to better recognize the function of social sites, and to understand the work of journalists and scientists as well as errors in our thinking. Much more needs to be done to deal with the influence of social media in various areas of our society, our state and the European Union. However, in the long run, education focused specifically on this area is crucial.” 

In the first episode of the series, moderator Veronika Cifrová Ostrihoňová and Ľuboš Kukliš, Director of the Council for Broadcasting and Retransmission, explain how social media choose the content that we can see. In the second episode, investigative journalist Zuzana Petková explains how to transfer basic journalistic habits into normal social media use, as orienting oneself in today’s world of information does not have to be easy. Scientist Pavol Čekan, Ján Markoš, a lecturer on critical thinking, and school psychologist Hana Šandorová, will appear in future episodes.

These videos are intended for all active users of social media regardless of their opinions or political beliefs. The dangers of social sites and errors in thinking are not the exclusive concern of one group of people; they are our common problem. More knowledge about the environment in which most discussions take place today can help to reduce shouting and increase understanding.