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Provider tx_cookie_consent
The cookie used to record the validity of consents to the use of cookies.
Valid until 1 year
Type Necessary
Provider TS01232bc6
The cookie used to identify a user's session.
Valid until 2 hours
Type Necessary

Statistical cookies help us improve our website by providing information on how visitors use the site, through anonymous collection of information.

Provider _gat
Name Google
Used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate.
Valid until 1 minutes
Type Statistical
Provider _ga
Name Google
Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.
Valid until 2 year
Type Statistical
Provider _gid
Name Google
Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.
Valid until 1 day
Type Statistical
Provider _hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress
Name Hotjar
The cookie is set so Hotjar can track the beginning of the user's journey for a total session count. It does not contain any identifiable information.
Valid until 1 day
Type Statistical
Provider _hjFirstSeen
Name Hotjar
The cookie is set to identify a new user’s first session.
Valid until 1 day
Type Statistical
Provider _hjSessionUser_#
Name Hotjar
Hotjar cookie that is set when a user first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to persist the Hotjar User ID, unique to that site on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID.
Valid until 1 year
Type Statistical
Provider _hjSession_#
Name Hotjar
This cookie holds the current session data. This ensues that subsequent requests within the session window will be attributed to the same Hotjar session.
Valid until 1 day
Type Statistical
Provider _hjIncludedInPageviewSample
Name Hotjar
The cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that visitor is included in the sample which is used to generate funnels.
Valid until 7 minutes
Type Statistical
Provider _hjIncludedInSessionSample
Name Hotjar
This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that user is included in the data sampling defined by your site's daily session limit.
Valid until 7 minutes
Type Statistical

The Recovery Plan Is an Opportunity for the Overall Modernization of the Country

The Recovery Plan Is an Opportunity for the Overall Modernization of the Country

On 28 April 2021, the three highest government officials signed a letter accompanying the Recovery and Resilience Plan at the Bratislava Castle.

The letter was addressed to Ursula von der Leyen, the Chair of the European Commission. According to President Čaputová, the plan far exceeds the horizon of the current government. "I consider this Plan to be the means for the restart of the economy after the corona crisis, as well as an opportunity for the overall modernization of the country. I am particularly pleased that it stipulated the need to combat climate change and stressed the importance of decreasing the energy intensity of our buildings and the carbon footprint of our industry. The global economy was on an unsustainable trajectory for many years and thanks to the Recovery Plan we can show that states can be both economically wealthy and ecologically sustainable.

According to the president, the comprehensive nature of the Recovery Plan distinguishes it from previous plans which have been implemented thanks to European Union resources. However, she added that in order to turn the elaborated and approved national plan into reality it will be necessary to exceed the limits and restrictions of our existing approaches. "Even the best project cannot become a reality without expert and motivated organisations, and skilful and responsible people. Sober voices from expert circles have noted that we are better at preparing strategies, concepts and action plans than in implementing them."

The president added that the Slovak Republic needs renovation, resilience and modernization in order to face future crises, and concluded by saying that every single person who can and wants to contribute is welcome, because no one should be prevented from working for Slovakia.