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Type Statistical

The President honoured Štefan Šteflovič on his one hundredth birthday.

The President honoured Štefan Šteflovič on his one hundredth birthday.

On Monday 12 November 2021, President Zuzana Čaputová awarded state honours to Captain (Retired) Štefan Šteflovič on his one hundredth birthday. 

Štefan Šteflovič was born in Kochanovce on 12 November 1921. He signed up in the army at Banská Bystrica, and at Odessa in Ukraine, he began to cooperate with the local resistance. As a non-commissioned officer in the First Czechoslovak Army Corps, he took command of a company during the Battle of the Dukla Pass, where he was seriously injured. He later served in a trophy unit at Dobšina. After the war he studied at the College of Engineering and worked as a teacher in the Engineering Industrial Secondary School in Nové mesto nad Váhom. He is a long-serving active member of the General Golian Basic Organisation of the Slovak Association of Anti-Fascist Fighters based at the Garrison Club in Trenčín and the Club for the Military History of the Anti-Fascist Resistance.  In 2021, the Minister of Defence promoted him to the rank of Captain (Retired). He has written a memoir “Únik z moci šelmy” (Out of the Claws of the Beast) and a collection of poetry, which was published by the Museum of the Slovak National Uprising in 2015.

The President awarded him the medal of the Order of Ľudovít Štúr Second Class, military branch, for his exceptional contribution to the defence and security of the Slovak Republic and the protection of human rights and freedoms. “Patriotism and solidarity are values that many people claim to hold in these times, but which Captain Štefan Šteflovič has demonstrated in his life. I therefore strongly hope that stories like his will never be forgotten.” He received the award at the old people’s home in Trenčín where he now lives.