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Type Necessary
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Type Statistical
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Type Statistical
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Type Statistical
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Name Hotjar
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Type Statistical
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Name Hotjar
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Valid until 7 minutes
Type Statistical

Slovakia and Latvia Stand Firm behind Ukraine

Slovakia and Latvia Stand Firm behind Ukraine

On Monday 28 March 2022, Latvian President Egils Levits paid an official visit to Slovakia. He and President Čaputová discussed the situation in our eastern neighbourhood.

According to President Čaputová, Slovakia and Latvia stand firmly behind Ukraine which is fully justified in defending itself. “Unfortunately, we are seeing a growing number of civilian victims, destroyed towns and the strong suspicion of war crimes, which must not go unpunished. Russian aggression has affected the lives of our societies as well – starting with the great wave of solidarity with people fleeing Ukraine and war up to citizens of the Russian Federation who are leaving via Latvia, because they no longer see a future there thanks to Putin’s regime.”

The president remarked that Slovaks and Latvians have experience with Soviet occupation and Russian propaganda, which is disseminated on social networks even today. “Latvia has already taken several steps in this respect to ensure that the lies about the war are not disseminated through social networks while fully respecting freedom of speech and opinion. This is one of the areas where Slovakia also needs to do more and I can see space for further exchanges of experience.”

According to President Čaputová, President Levits appreciated the work of the members of our armed forces in Latvia, who, along with nine allies have operated in a joint military group connected with the enhanced forward presence. A similar group has recently been formed in Slovakia. 

According to the president, we all wish that peace and stability will soon return to Ukraine so that our neighbour can become a member of the European Union as soon as possible. “The construction of European security must not be determined by dictators such as Putin or Lukashenko, because every state has the right to freely choose its orientation. The Russian and Belarussian regimes must understand that they have harmed millions of innocent people in Ukraine as well as their own citizens, many of whom do not identify with this war. However, thanks to the steps of their political leadership, entire generations will suffer its direct and indirect consequences.”