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The president in Ukraine: We support the defence of your sovereignty

The president in Ukraine: We support the defence of your sovereignty

Zuzana Čaputová visited Kiev on Monday, where she praised the reforms of the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and his efforts to resolve the conflict in eastern Ukraine through constructive dialogue. At a joint press conference with President Zelensky, the president expressed her support for Ukraine on “its path of reforms, but also its European and Euro-Atlantic journey”.

“I am visiting your country on one of my first trips abroad. Good and close relations between our two countries are a matter of heartfelt importance for me. Because Ukraine is not only our largest neighbour, but also a close friend and partner. In Slovakia we see Ukraine as a country of educated, hardworking and clever people. I would like to assure you, Mr President, and all Ukrainian citizens, that Slovakia will continue to support your country on your path of reforms, but also on your European and Euro-Atlantic journey, and speak out to defend your sovereignty and territorial integrity.

We are successfully building ties between our countries including economic ties. This is further proof that despite the difficult situation you are in, you are making progress and doing well. I am very happy that Slovakia has contributed to the assistance for Ukraine, including reverse gas flow capacity. 

Your success, like ours in the past, depends on how consistently you succeed in pushing ahead with reforms. That you do so even when many of them seem very daunting. I believe that the planned reforms, including market liberalisation and privatisation, will lead you to prosperity and stimulate further cooperation between us. 

I consider this convergence to be particularly important in a period when Ukraine is going through difficult times. I regret that people have been spreading various myths and falsehoods about us. For this reason too, I believe it is important that we speak openly and let our citizens know how difficult the situation in Ukraine is and how serious the consequences are when the rules of peaceful coexistence between states are broken. I have therefore invited the president to visit Slovakia and I believe that he will soon accept my invitation. 

Ukraine has made great progress in recent years. The president informed me about his plans. I welcome that his priorities include strengthening the rule of law, justice, the legal system and combating corruption. This is an area where our experience has taught us that the pace must never be slackened, no matter how long the road in front of us seems. Furthermore, it is vital to involve the broad professional community and civil society in such reforms. 

I also asked about developments in the east of the country. I want to commend the president’s constructive approach and his efforts to conduct meaningful dialogue. In Slovakia as well as in the European Union, it has been observed that this approach is starting to achieve results. As the country currently chairing the OSCE, we are particularly pleased by the calming of the situation around Stanytsia Luhanska, which we advocated for. The recent exchange of prisoners with the Russian Federation and the forthcoming resumption of talks in the Normandy format are important signals that things can change for the better through dialogue. 

However, any solution to the conflict must be based on the principles of international law and respect sovereignty and internationally recognised borders.  This applies to Donbas as well as Crimea and Sevastopol. In line with the EU position, Slovakia supports the continuation of sanctions against Russia until the Minsk Agreements have been implemented and Ukraine has regained control of its territory.

I strongly believe that each country is free to choose where it will belong and how it will develop. Five years ago, Ukraine showed that it wants to belong to the Euro-Atlantic area and share in our values. This decision must be respected. It is sad that to this day Ukrainian citizens continue to lose their lives in defence of the peace and security of their own country.

Mr President, I firmly believe that my visit today has opened the door to further cooperation, including cooperation between you and me personally, and that we will be able to translate our close relations into tangible positive results. Once again, thank you very much for your welcome. I look forward to our next meeting.”