Green Office

The Office of the President of the Slovak Republic perceives the climate crisis as one of great challenges of present times. Therefore, it fully assumes responsibility for its share in meeting the climate commitments of Slovakia and the EU. The Presidential Office, which undertook to become the first climate neutral public institution in Slovakia by 2030, annually evaluates its carbon footprint based on the calculations of the Environmental Policy Institute’s carbon footprint calculator.

In order to complete the green office vision, measures have been implemented in the following areas. In addition to reducing our own carbon footprint, we implement other supporting activities and projects aimed at informing and motivating others.


The Office of the President of the Slovak Republic is reducing transportation emissions by renovating its fleet. Vehicles with combustion engines are gradually being phased out and replaced by electric and hybrid vehicles. We have also installed 4 charging stations and added new bicycle racks.  

Building Renovation and Operations (emphasis on energy)

A special-purpose energy audit was elaborated for Grasalkovič and Karáčoni Palaces, which identified a set of measures with the potential of reducing CO2 emissions created by the consumption of energy in these buildings by two thirds. Energy efficiency and renewable energy resources are the crucial areas.  
An extensive green roof was installed at Karáčoni Palace and the office is preparing for the installation of two 37kWP photovoltaic power plants to cover part of electricity consumption.

The president also supports projects for the above-standard renovation of public buildings in the form of an award entitled the Presidential Green Seal.  

Green Infrastructure

Aside from the reduction of emissions, the Office of the President of the Slovak Republic also strives to compensate in areas which cannot be reduced or eliminated otherwise, particularly air transportation. Approximately 1,300 trees need to be planted annually for this purpose. The president and the office employees planted trees in 2021 and 2022.


Based on the waste audit of the Circular Economy Institute, the Office of the President of the Slovak Republic strives to reduce waste production while ensuring for the proper sorting of waste that is produced. The waste-free office project features a ban on the purchase of single-use plastics, the maximizing of the prevention of waste and the sorting of waste and providing employees with circular economy training. Within the framework of the Urban Bees project, beehives were installed in the Presidential Garden with the aim to support urban biodiversity. This project is run by the Živica Centre of Environmental and Ethical Education.
Honey from the Presidential Palace is offered as a gift for political partners of the president at home and abroad.  When purchasing goods and services, we ensure the green public procurement of office, hygienic and sanitary goods as much as possible.
In March 2022 the president presented her annual statement of activities in this area.